Brixton Windmill
The Design Collective are working with Squire & Partners and Logan Construction to deliver a new education and community centre next to Brixton Windmill, a restored Grade II*-listed working mill in south London.
The 150m² building will provide a flexible space for school groups, adult education initiatives, community groups and local residents, and act as a visitor centre for the Friends of Windmill Gardens (FoWG), the charity that manages the windmill and hosts regular open days and festivals.
It will also facilitate the expansion of milling activities and the development of a social enterprise to sell Brixton Windmill flour to local bakeries, restaurants and shops, and to run baking workshops.
The brick mill, built in 1816, is the last remaining tower mill in central London.
The new building will be a contemporary crafted, pitched roof structure using a Douglas Fir timber frame. The exterior will be clad in a dark weatherboard. The structure will be book-ended by two black brick gable walls, which reference the tar-sealed windmill tower.
The main internal space will feature the exposed timber frame and full-height sliding doors opening on to a decked terrace overlooking the park. Other facilities will include a grain store, a kitchen, administration space, cycle parking and toilets.
Jean Kerrigan, chair of FoWG, said: ‘The new building will allow us to educate both young and adult visitors about this wonderful heritage building in the centre of Brixton.’
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